Today the Department of Health and Social Care - DHSC confirmed that “hospital schemes with reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC) ... will proceed at pace due to the substantive safety risks associated with these.”
Including, and specifically, Frimley Park Hospital.
As many of you will be aware I set up a petition and survey 6 weeks ago to build grassroots momentum and support for saving the rebuild of Frimley Park Hospital which is much needed to secure our healthcare future in Surrey Heath but also Aldershot and Farnborough in Hampshire and other communities in the South East.
Whilst my name is on the petition the real heroes of that movement are the almost 10,000 people who signed it and the thousands who shared it.
From cradle to grave our hospital touches our lives in the most momentous and intimate ways. To have played a small part in securing its future is amazing but YOU have secured your own future healthcare moving forward.
I will be closing the petition in due course and collating the results of the survey but can I just say THANK YOU once again to you all for your support.
Special thanks to BBC Surrey & Surrey Live for letting me speak about the petition at length, as well as councillors who supported (especially Trefor Hogg in his role chairing the Joint Health and Overview Scrutiny Committee (Frimley Park Hospital)) and Surrey MPs.